New content on the Veloclub Sud Eglise YouTube Channel

We have been adding lots of new content to our YouTube channel over the last week or so. There are some new uploads including a brief clip showing Bernard Hinault winning Liege Bastogne Liege in appalling weather in 1980. Supposedly, Hinault has never regained the feeling in two fingertips after getting frostbite during this epic.

There’s another clip to inspire us to get up and get out during the cold and wet weather. It centres on a Triathlete preparing for an Ironman event but we think it hits home for cyclists too.

As part our mission to bring you more from the women’s scene we are seeking out the best stories and background articles from YouTube to give more of an insight into the sport. For starters there are a couple of videos from Specialized Lululemon rider Evelyn Stevens. Evie recounts how she left her career as a Wall Street banker to become a professional women’s cyclist in this short but inspiring clip.

We have also added the final two episodes from Beyond the Peloton series two. It was disappointing that it took the producers until the end of season two to bring anything from the women’s Cervelo Test Team. Ironically, it was the women’s team that preceded the men’s outfit. The footage here is from the World Championships in 2010. As we’re nearly three years on from this event, hopefully it isn’t too much of a spoiler to say that Cervelo swept the board.

We will continue to add to this playlist as we come across more great content, so stay tuned!

Staying on the Cervelo theme, albeit tenuously is Behind the Peloton. VCSE recently came across this series from the US. These guys are clearly steeped in cycling (particularly Flandrian) culture. This short series of films play with the Beyond the Peloton look with a tongue in cheek homage to the in race footage from that series (indeed any pro teams video content). Those of you who have seen the ‘S**t Cyclists Say’ video will appreciate this one.

All this and more great video content can be found by following the links on the homepage to the VCSE YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe or comment!

VCSE TV launches!

Velo Club Sud Eglise now has a YouTube channel!

First two video’s are at the link below.

No real surprises that the first two videos are Paris Roubaix related. ‘Paris Roubaix… Is Epic!’ seems to be going for the look and feel of a cinema trail but reminds me of a motivational presentation. Worth a watch a minute thirteen though.

The second ‘Museeuw – a throw of the dice’ is a joint Rapha / Ridley Scott production. When a section of the video has a Marty Feldman lookalike in Napoleonic era uniform clutching a cobblestone I remembered that the best bit of Ridley Scott’s first film ‘The Duellists’ was the way it looked rather than a great screenplay.

Johan Museeuw was one of the first riders I remember when the Tour de France was being shown on Channel 4 largely due to him being known as a sprinter in the early years of his career.

As far as the classics and Paris Roubaix in particular he won the race three times in 1996, 2000 and 2002.He also won the Tour of Flanders (Ronde van Vlaanderen) three times, Paris Tours and Amstel Gold once. His Palmares cover an eleven year period from the early 90’s to the 2002 in a sixteen year career.


Left a bit – Johan Museeuw 

Museeuw was on Greg Lemond’s coat tails if not his wheel as part of Lemond’s ADR team for his second TdF win in 1989. In 1998 having won the Tour of Flanders for third and final time Museeuw suffered a knee injury on Paris Roubaix so serious that there was talk of him losing a leg. He had of course already won the race once at this point.

After a dogged return to fitness, not helped by another accident involving a motorbike, Museeuw crossed the line first in the Roubaix Velodrome in 2000 pointing at his left knee.

There was a final twist in the tail for Museeuw at Paris Roubaix in 2004 when he punctured while part of the final break. He crossed the line in tears denied a 4th win in the classic which, at the time, would have tied him with Roger de Vlaeminck.